How much to cook udon noodles?

how much to cook udon noodles
Udon noodles are rather thin wheat noodles, and they cook very quickly - 4-7 minutes. Udon noodles are often bought frozen - they also need to be boiled, and you can throw them directly in thawed form into the water - 7 minutes of boiling is enough for the noodles to defrost and cook. After boiling, put the udon noodles in a colander and sprinkle with vegetable oil so that it remains crumbly and does not stick together.

How to cook udon noodles

You will need - udon noodles, water, salt, oil to taste

1. Boil 2 liters of water, add 1 tablespoon of salt (teaspoon or tablespoon - to taste). When making udon noodles, salt is added to the dough, so carefully add salt to the water.
2. Put 100-150 grams of udon noodles in the water.
3. Boil udon noodles for 5-7 minutes, taste for a tooth: if soft, noodles are ready.
4. Throw the noodles in a colander, shake gently to drain the liquid and use in dishes.

How to make udon noodles at home
1. Measure out a glass of flour, half a glass of water, take a teaspoon of salt and a tablespoon of starch.
2. Pour salt into water at room temperature and dissolve.
3. Pour flour into a wide saucepan, add water and knead a dough of uniform consistency with your hands.
4. Put the dough into a large bag, release as much air as possible from it, tie tightly and leave for 30 minutes.
5. Open the bag, put the dough in the middle of the bag and lay it on the floor covered with a clean cloth, cover it with a cloth on top too.
6. Walk with your feet on the dough for half a minute, then roll it back into a ball and insist - repeat this procedure 2 more times, at the end insist 2 hours.
7. Sprinkle the board with starch, lay out the dough, roll it out over the entire board in a layer 3-4 millimeters thick, sprinkle with starch on top too.
8. Cut the dough into strips (with a well-sharpened knife so that the dough does not stick), sprinkle with starch and stir gently. Can be cooked straight away, can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 days or in the freezer for up to a month.


Udon noodles are very easy to stick together, so as soon as possible after boiling it is necessary to throw them in a colander and then use them in dishes. If for some reason you need to wait, stir the noodles with butter and cover with cling film. The consistency of high quality udon noodle dough is "like an earlobe".

When boiling, udon noodles visually increases 3 times.

Udon noodles are wheat noodles, in fact they differ from regular pasta only in that they are thicker. Invented in Japan, udon noodles are great for all Japanese dishes that require wheat noodles. For example, in Japanese Ramen soup, it is udon that is used, but only the one with eggs in the composition - then the noodles better absorb the taste of the broth. Udon is also used as a side dish for any dish. Boil udon deliciously in rich mushroom or meat broth, add to soup, fry with seafood and spices.

The price of udon noodles is from 70 rubles / 300 grams, and already cooked noodles are sold frozen at a price of 70 rubles.

Udon noodles are often called wok noodles, because it is in the wok that most dishes are prepared with it in the composition.

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Reading time - 3 minutes.


