How much to brew infusions?

how much to cook instant tea
Doshirak is not boiled, its composition allows you to simply pour boiling water over the pasta with a margin of half a centimeter and brew for 5 minutes. Instead of water, you can use milk or broth.

How to cook instant tea

You will need - a little tea, boiling water

  • Heat the water in the kettle.
  • Put the compressed noodles in a deep bowl.
  • Pour the contents of the seasoning bags into the noodles.
  • Depending on whether you like thicker noodles or want a kind of soup, pour one or two cups of boiling water into the noodles and cover with a lid for 5 minutes.


Doshirak noodles can be divided into two types: regular instant noodles in boxes of the same name, and Korean ramen.

Regular doshirak does not differ in a variety of seasonings and is quite simple to prepare, which cannot be said about Korean ramen. Ramen is instant noodles for the "advanced", because it is not enough just to pour boiling water over it, but to boil it in a saucepan for several minutes.

If you nevertheless overestimated your capabilities and poured the whole bag of hot spices into your soup, then add some fatty component to the soup. For example: mayonnaise, sour cream or cheese. The fat will neutralize hot oils and enhance the flavor of the noodles.

The noodles will be more satisfying if you crumble sausages, sausages or break a raw egg directly into the broth, then stir immediately before closing the lid. And if you add pickles and even brine to the broth, you get an excellent hangover cure.

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Reading time - 1 min.


