How much to cook soba noodles?

how much to cook buckwheat noodles
Boil the water for a couple of minutes over high heat, put the soba and cook until fully cooked after boiling for 10 minutes. Soba is cooked!

How to cook buckwheat noodles

You will need - buckwheat noodles, water, salt

1. Free the noodles from paper strips.
raw noodles
2. Boil water (for 150 grams of raw noodles, 1.5 liters of water) over medium heat, lightly salt.
to boil water
3. Pour soba noodles into boiled water and cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
put the soba boil
4. Make sure that the dog is completely submerged in the water.
completely immerse the soba in water
5. Throw the noodles in a colander, rinse under running water.
boiled noodles in a colander
6. Your noodles are cooked! prepared soba noodles

How to cook delicious soba

Soba - 200 grams
Chicken fillet - 100 grams
Sweet pepper - 40 grams
Carrots - 40 grams
Onions - 40 grams
Black pepper - a teaspoon
Soy sauce - 2 tablespoons
Sesame oil - 2 teaspoons
Sunflower oil - teaspoon
Water - 8 glasses

How to cook soba
1. Boil 8 glasses of water, pour in a teaspoon of oil and add 200 grams of sob.
2. Cook for 9 minutes until half cooked, stirring gently.
3. Throw the noodles in a colander and rinse under running water.
4. Cut into strips 100 grams of chicken fillet, 40 grams each bell pepper, carrots and onions.
5. Fry vegetables and chicken in a pan until half cooked (about 3 minutes).
6. Add noodles to them and cook for a few more minutes.
7. Season the dish with 2 tablespoons of soy sauce and 2 teaspoons of sesame oil.

Facts about yourself

- Soba is quite high in calories - 100 grams contains 339 kilocalories.

- It is recommended to store soba for two years at temperatures from 0 to 25 degrees Celsius.

- Average cost of a pack of soby (300 grams) - from 80 rubles. (data for Moscow as of July 2019).

- When boiling soba, it increases by 3 times: from 150 grams of dry soba, you get 450 boiled noodles.

Author / Editor -
Reading time - 2 minutes.


