How to cook rice porridge?

how much to cook rice porridge
Cook rice porridge about 40 minutes.

Rice porridge recipe for a child

Rice porridge products for a child
Round grain rice - half a cup
Water - 750 milliliters
Milk - 700 milliliters
Sugar, salt to taste

Baby rice porridge recipe
Rinse the rice, pour warm water in a 1: 2 ratio (for 1 glass of rice 2 glasses of water), and leave on 2 hours... Then boil the rice in the same water with a small piece of butter under the lid. Boil 12 minutes, stirring. Then pour in warm salted milk, cook for half an hour until the milk is completely absorbed, then remove the porridge from the heat, stir, salt, and sweeten to taste. Leave the porridge to brew under the lid 5 minutes... Serve rice porridge with a lump of butter or a tablespoon of olive oil. Can be served with jam, dates and raisins.

Rice porridge with lamb

Rice porridge products with lamb
Round rice - half a glass
Lamb - 100 grams
Water - 2 glasses
Butter or ghee - 3 tablespoons
Onions - 1 head
Carrots - 1 piece
Dill, parsley - 10 grams each.
Black pepper, salt - to taste

Lamb rice porridge recipe Rinse lamb, chop finely, fry 10 mints on bacon until golden brown. Chop the onions into strips and add to the lamb, fry 5 minutes... Then pour water into a frying pan, put chopped carrots, salt and pepper, bring to a boil.
Cook the rice, then add meat and vegetables to the rice, stir, cover and put in the oven for 10 minutes. When serving, sprinkle the porridge with finely chopped herbs.


- Round "Krasnodar" rice is best suited for cooking rice porridge - it falls apart during cooking, so the porridge with it will acquire the correct mushy consistency.

- Rice for cooking rice porridge must be washed in cold water.

- For softness and digestibility, rice can be soaked in cold water and left for 15 minutes.

- Rice for rice porridge is boiled first in water, because immediately in milk, porridge will cook much longer in time.

- When cooking porridge, you can use pieces of pumpkin as an additive (for every 100 grams of rice - 100 grams of pumpkin pieces), carrots, onions, dried fruits, pieces of fresh fruit, berries.

- Serve rice porridge with a slice of butter, sprinkle with cinnamon. The proportions of rice porridge are like in kindergarten: for each glass of rice, 2 glasses of water and 2 glasses of milk.

- When cooking rice porridge, the contents of the saucepan are periodically stirred so that the rice falls apart and so that the porridge does not burn.

- It is convenient to cook rice porridge in thick-walled aluminum pans or stainless steel - the risk of porridge burning when using these pans is reduced to zero.

See general rules rice cooking!

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Reading time - 3 minutes.


