How much to cook wheat porridge?

how much to cook polenta porridge
Boil wheat porridge 20 minutes.

How to cook wheat porridge

for 2 servings
Crushed wheat groats - half a glass
Water - 1-1.5 cups
Salt to taste
Sugar - to taste (2 tablespoons)
Butter - 50 grams

How to cook wheat porridge
1. Rinse wheat grits in a sieve, put in a saucepan.
2. Pour wheat grits with water, put on a quiet fire.
3. After boiling water, remove foam and stir.
4. Cook the porridge for 20 minutes, making sure that the water does not boil away.
5. Insist porridge under the lid - 5-10 minutes.
6. Serve with a lump of butter.

Facts about cooking wheat porridge

It is better to use crushed wheat groats for cereals, rather than whole, in order to cook it faster. It is difficult to boil whole wheat into porridge.

Most often, crushed wheat groats, ideal for cereals, are sold under the name "Artek".

Wheat grits are suitable for cooking porridge or side dishes. For a side dish, sugar can not be added to the porridge.

It is better to choose spring wheat for porridge, it boils better than winter wheat. Spring wheat is yellowish without reddish admixture, more rounded and soft on the cusp.

Wheat is usually boiled in water, but a little fat milk can be added for a soft, crumbly and milky flavor.

You can give wheat porridge a special taste if you add Mascarpone, cheese, condensed milk, sour cream or cream, and 5 minutes before the end of cooking, you can add a beaten chicken egg.

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Reading time - 1 min.


