
How to brew rose hips

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how to brew rose hips
How to brew dried rose hips
1. Pre-wash the rose hips, then dry them. You can use both chopped rose hips and whole fruits.
2. Do not boil the rose hips for a long time! Just fill it with hot water. Or boil for a very short time to preserve all the useful components.
Do not use tap water as it is hard. It will suppress all the beneficial properties of rose hips.
3. Then cool the solution. It is now ready to use.

How to brew fresh rose hips
1. Clean, rinse and dry the rose hips.
2. Grind it until puree.
3. Pour hot water over the puree, but not boiling water.
4. Insist for about one hour.
5. Strain the mixture.
6. Boil the rosehip that remained after straining in a little water.
7. Strain again. Now combine the two resulting solutions.
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How much to cook / Tips / How to brew rose hips


