
Honey mushroom smell when cooking

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how honey mushrooms smell
The smell of honey mushrooms during cooking is difficult to confuse with another smell. If the mushrooms grew in a natural way in an ecologically clean area away from the highway, if they are young, then such mushrooms will smell especially tasty during cooking, incomparable with other mushrooms. Otherwise, in addition to the smell of bay leaves, allspice and other spicy condiments, which are often boiling honey mushrooms added to the water, you will not feel anything "mushroom". Some compare this smell with wine, others with sea buckthorn, all pleasant smells are within the norm and speak of a good place for mushroom picking.

But still, the most important thing is that during cooking there are no extraneous specific odors (acid, bitterness and even more the smell of ammonia), which indicate the poor quality of the mushrooms. If the smell is pungent, it smells like mold or damp earth - make sure you are not cooking false mushrooms!

The requirements for the aroma of frozen mushrooms are lower - Chinese ones can give off sourness, but not much - otherwise there is a risk that the mushrooms have been frozen several times.
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How much to cook / Tips / Honey mushroom smell when cooking


