
Can I make frozen meat soup?

Reading time - 3 minutes.
is boiled meat suitable for making soup
Of course you can - it's only better to defrost it before cooking! Any meat, if frozen according to the rules, is definitely suitable for soup. Chicken, pork, beef, turkey - can be frozen and defrost as needed to cook soup. Even beef on the bone after thawing will give a very rich broth and make the soup very nutritious and healthy. It is not necessary to use fresh meat for the soup, since during the cooking of the broth any meat becomes very soft.

Another question is, is it possible to cook soups and broths from non-thawed meat, immediately throwing the frozen piece into cold water? - Of course, it is better not to do this, because a lot of the beneficial properties of meat are lost from temperature drops. Try defrosting meat in a quick way - in the microwave or in warm water. But if for some reason you are in a hurry to arrange a soup feast for some reason, at least try to cut the meat into smaller pieces so that defrosting takes place before the water boils, and cook the meat longer, since freezing, on the one hand, slows down the cooking processes, and on the other side makes the meat tough. After boiling the water, wait 10 minutes and strain the broth, because frozen meat makes almost any broth cloudy, which adversely affects the appetizing of the finished dish.
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How much to cook / Tips / Can I make frozen meat soup?


