
Why is barley soaked?

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whether barley is soaked
Barley is made from barley. A lot of barley grows in Russia, and in neighboring countries, whole fields. This is an unpretentious culture, accustomed to our latitudes and easily enduring any climatic whims. But we "pay" for this unpretentiousness - this cereal is quite a group, in dried form it is unsuitable for food, and for modern pampered people it needs special processing. In factories, the groats are dried, cleaned, sometimes steamed - and eaters must soak the groats overnight. Only after such a long processing of cereals can it adequately prove itself in any culinary research. Otherwise, it will either be dry (this is jokingly called "bolts"), or it will boil down into a dense porridge, which will be difficult to stir with a spoon.
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