
In what dish to cook strawberry jam?

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strawberry jam

The best option would be a wide stainless steel pan. Such a saucepan will not oxidize or stain from the berries during cooking, and you can be calm about strawberries - no extra substances will get into the jam. Other pots will work less. You will not get poisoned if you cook strawberry jam in an aluminum pan or in a "grandmother's" copper basin, but more labor costs, more cleaning, and there is only sense in the case of "emergency preparation". For example, if you need to boil a lot of strawberries and be sure to "5-minute", then it makes sense to find a wide copper basin. However, there are so many technologies now that even in an ordinary stainless steel pan using pectin, you will get the thickest jam in just a couple of hours.

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How much to cook / Tips / In what dish to cook strawberry jam?

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