
Can jam be cooked in stainless steel?

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Is it possible to cook jam in stainless steel
Answer: of course you can! It is only advisable that the stainless steel pan has a thick bottom, so that the jam does not exactly burn!

Stainless steel cookware has become an excellent substitute for copper basins. This is a very safe dish for making jam; berry jam is especially good in stainless steel. In stainless steel, you can leave berries and jam for a long time, it is completely harmless, since the stainless steel does not oxidize. It has been proven that stainless steel does not enter into any reaction with the food that is cooked in it. However, you should pay attention to the features of such dishes. You need to buy only stainless steel cookware with a thick multi-layer bottom for cooking jam, because a single-layer thin bottom will lead to burning of the jam. Such jam will have to be thrown out because of the unpleasant aftertaste of burning.
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How much to cook / Tips / Can jam be cooked in stainless steel?


