
What pork to make lard?

Reading time - 1 min
pieces of pork for lard
Lard is most often made for an appetizer: then it is extremely important that the products meet the goal of becoming soft, aromatic, light on the cousin and pleasantly salty in the finished snack. It is advisable that the process goes quickly and does not have to wait for weeks for salting. The thoracic and dorsal parts of pork: in the dorsal maximum softness, in the chest (more precisely, near the belly) a good ratio of the fatty part and meat veins. It is also very important to define tenderness of fat: ask the seller to pierce the bacon with a match: if it comes in well, then the bacon is really soft and you won't have to strain your jaws to bite through the salted bacon. Next, salt the lard in any way way, observing all the rules - and the appetizer will delight you very soon.
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