
What parts of pork are best to cook

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pork on the bone is ideal for boiling
The general principle of choosing a part for cooking - the softer you need to get the meat, the more fat there should be - not lived, but thin layers of fat. The ribs are ideal for soup - the bones will give fat, and the meat is quite fat so that the broth is rich and juicy meat in them. A shank (shank) is also suitable, it is also with bone, but the upper fat, if there is a lot of it, can be cut off. How to cook pork, read in a separate article.

If the cooked dish is dietary, take the loins with a little fat and cook longer to soften the meat.

About other parts of pork
Head, cheeks - there is a lot of fat. Boiling and salting are good.

You can cook jelly, stuffed head and pork cheek roll.

The ears are the part with a lot of cartilage. Can be boiled, baked, pickled.

Piglet - interesting taste and appearance, but it will give only a fat, therefore it is used for cooking jellied meat.

Neck, front - soft and lean part of the meat. Cooking, baking, frying is suitable. You can cook: soups, roasts.

The back is succulent and smooth meat. Frying or boiling is fine.

Loin is juicy meat. Frying, baking are suitable. You can cook: chops, shashlik, azu.

The hip and ham are dense and juicy meat. Outside there is a thin layer of film and fat. Frying or drying is fine. Schnitzel, cutlets, as well as roasts, broths.

Shank, shank, legs - there are tendons, films.

Scapular - there is a layer of fat. Baking, minced meat, stewing are suitable. You can cook: roll, borscht.
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How much to cook / Tips / What parts of pork are best to cook


