
Is it possible to cook the soup from the waves?

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cook soups from volnushki
Soups made from wolves are not cooked because they can taste bitter. For example, bitterness is not terrible for potatoes or pasta, you can always add a little salt and products, in addition to mushrooms, can have tastes overshadowing the bitterness. But the bitter broth cannot be straightened with anything. Waves are considered conditionally edible mushrooms, therefore, so that forest waves do not taste bitter, they are soaked in water for three days and only then make waves about 20 minutes. During this time, all the broth is soaked from the mushrooms and boiled, which makes the broth suitable for cooking soup. Boiled mushrooms themselves have a very specific taste and crunchiness. Therefore, it is still better to use waves for frying and, of course, for salting.

But don't be discouraged. To cook delicious mushroom soup, it is enough to take any mushrooms that do not taste bitter - and get a really tasty, aromatic and satisfying dish.
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How much to cook / Tips / Is it possible to cook the soup from the waves?


