
How to salt your tongue (pork and beef)

Reading time - 5 minutes.

Cooking a salty tongue takes place in 2 stages: salting and boiling. For the dish, you can take both beef and pork tongue. The difference will be only in the duration of salting and cooking.

Required Ingredients: Himself tongue (beef, pork or even mutton), coarse salt, sugar, garlic, food nitrate (optional).

Salt must be taken coarse - due to its slow dissolution, the tongue is salted more evenly. Food nitrate is a preservative. It serves more of a decorative function and is used to preserve the natural pinkish-red color of the tongue. It also slightly improves the taste of the dish. Can be cooked without adding saltpeter. An excess of it is harmful to health. The norm is 10 g of nitrate per 500 g of salt (or 5 kg of meat).

Cooking a salty tongue:

  1. Make a curing mixture from coarse salt, garlic, sugar and saltpeter passed through a garlic press. You can take a lot of salt, sugar - 0.5 tsp. there will be enough, garlic - up to 6 cloves per beef tongue (less for pork), saltpeter - a pinch.
  2. Wipe your tongue with the mixture and place in a container, put a plate on top and oppression. Incubate overnight at room temperature to extract juice. Instead of a container, you can also use zip bags.
  3. The next day, place the container with the beef tongue in the cold, leave for 1-2 weeks (the longer, the richer the taste will be). If the tongue is pork, 3-7 days will be enough. Do not remove the load! Once a day, the tongue is turned over for a more even salting.
  4. After the specified period, the salted tongue is boiled in water until fully cooked. It should be soft and easily pierced with a fork. Salt is not put into broth!
  5. The boiled tongue is poured with cold water to make it easier to clean it from the skin. Cleaned, cooled and sent to the refrigerator. Cut into slices and place on the table.

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How much to cook / Tips / How to salt your tongue (pork and beef)


