
Do I need to drain water when cooking barley?

Reading time - 3 minutes.
pearl barley
Pearl barley, to make it tasty, you need to be able to cook right... It is important not to spare the water, because in the process of cooking the pearl barley increases several times. When soaked, it swells, becoming two or even three times larger. For cooking, the cereal is poured with water 1: 4, and almost all the liquid is absorbed, and only a small part of it evaporates. Thus, after an hour and a half, the pearl barley absorbs the necessary moisture and becomes swollen and soft. If the porridge turns out to be hard in taste, it means that you still need to add water and cook for 20-30 minutes. You should always control the amount of water in the pot so that the barley does not burn. The remaining excess water, if any, can be drained after the end of cooking.
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How much to cook / Tips / Do I need to drain water when cooking barley?


