
How much to soak honey mushrooms?

Reading time - 1 min.
honey mushrooms
So, you come from the forest with a basket full of mushrooms. Mushroom picking is always associated with picking, special clothing, expensive and increased physical activity. That is why, immediately after returning home with prey, you want to rest. But how to combine pleasure with the need to process mushrooms as quickly as possible? - And here it is important to understand that the first thing after picking the mushrooms is soaked and peeled. However, not for an hour, let alone overnight - but only for 10 minutes, so that they can then be conveniently cleaned and cut into pieces. If honey agarics are a little, do it right away - then there will be only cook... Well, if there are a lot of honey mushrooms and you are not able to process them right now, just leave them in baskets for a few hours, and rest calmly. Just make sure that the mushrooms are not crumpled under their own weight, and pour the excess into other pans.
How much to cook / Tips / How much to soak honey mushrooms?


