
How much is a liter of raspberry jam worth?

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raspberry jam
Raspberries are one of the most delicate berries that are only grown in Russia. Raspberries are difficult to peel, they are fragile and with a cavity inside, which makes it almost impossible to store them for a long time and deliver them far away raw. Only for these reasons can we say with confidence that even at the peak of the summer season, raspberries remain one of the most expensive berries. Of course, this also affects the price of raspberry jam. Berries in supermarkets and markets cost from 500 rubles / kilogram (2019), and for a liter of jam you need about 1.5 kilograms. Large manufacturers of raspberry jam often add gelatin, pectin to jam, thickening the liquid (literally and figuratively) consistency of the original product.

What can you do to stock up on this healthy jam for the winter? - Either look for raspberry farms, prosperous summer residents and buy directly from them, or find out places and collect wild raspberries, or grow your own and make jam for the winter by yourselfor look for really good wholesalers.

How much to cook / Tips / How much is a liter of raspberry jam worth?


