
Why isn't lard eaten in the US?

Reading time - 1 min
lard and usa
Lard is not eaten in the United States. In America, bacon, a "related" product, is highly respected. The same lard, only with meat. Keep in mind that Americans love bacon for breakfast! Orthodox Christians abstain from lard in the morning ...

But there is a big difference - Americans do not just salt bacon, but pour it over with liquid smoke and bake at a low temperature, besides, bacon always contains a generous layer of meat. Russian lard, on the other hand, is traditionally not subjected to hot processing, in fact it is a raw piece of fat and has conditional benefits for the body. Therefore, the Americans, first of all, do not consider lard in any way tasty and nutritious. And secondly, they are simply afraid for their health.
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How much to cook / Tips / Why isn't lard eaten in the US?


