
How many crayfish do you need for 1 serving?

Reading time - 3 minutes.
boiled crayfish
Usually boil crayfish for a large company, and a lot at once. To correctly calculate the number of crayfish, start from 1-1.5 kilograms per person, or 10-15 crayfish. In boiled crayfish, a significant part of the weight is taken by the shell, claws and head - there is, frankly, nothing in them. So it turns out that out of 1.5 kilograms of crayfish, only 500-600 grams of edible crayfish meat. Yes, this is a rather large portion, but given that only light snacks are served with crayfish and, in fact, this is the only dish at a many-hour feast - too large a portion will not work.

What else is important in this matter? - Of course, you can't cook 10 kilograms of crayfish in your home kitchen without cooking equipment right away. But this is not necessary, because when eating crayfish, they do not rush, stretching the pleasure. First, cook 300 grams of crayfish per person, and during the meal, cook and insist the next portion. There is no need to change the brine for boiling crayfish - it will be more and more concentrated and the crayfish themselves will be more and more juicy.
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How much to cook / Tips / How many crayfish do you need for 1 serving?


