
Why can there be flatulence from barley?

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puffy from barley
Barley is processed barley. Barley grits are used to cook porridge, make bread, even drinks (for example, skin, very useful, including for the digestive tract). Therefore, bloating from barley is almost impossible. The main thing is to take into account the rules for cooking barley - after all, in violation of the rules of soaking, even with prolonged cooking, the porridge turns out to be rough and can really cause flatulence.

Another case where barley can cause bloating is when it is consumed simultaneously with dairy products. For example, if after pearl barley drink milk or kefir. Or if you dine with barley with stew - and eat yogurt at night.

But in children, especially up to 6 years old and with gastrointestinal tract features, barley is indeed very likely to cause flatulence and bloating. Children under 3 years old are not given barley at all.
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