
The proportions of beans and water

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proportions of beans
The amount of water needed to cook beans is determined by the following proportion: 1 part of beans is taken 3 parts of water. This applies to freshly harvested beans, which did not have time to lie for a long time, and were soaked correctly. If the beans are old, stored for a long time, then they managed to dry out a lot. Therefore, more water will be needed for its preparation, 4-4.5 cups - both due to the dryness of the grains, and due to a longer cooking.

Beans, like all legumes, easily stick to the bottom of the dish without water and burn. Therefore, the cooking process must be monitored, preventing the water from boiling away and refilling it if necessary.

The amount of water to soak the beans before boiling also depends on the storage time. The longer the beans lay, the more moisture they lost, and the more water is needed to soak them. Bean grains increase in size, absorbing water, so for soaking it is better to take a large volume of dishes and pour water in excess. And of course, the proportions of water are far from the most important of cooking rules - Cooking time and proper steeping are also important.
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How much to cook / Tips / The proportions of beans and water


