
Why are shrimps sold boiled?

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shrimp sale
After catching, the shrimp are frozen immediately, or after cooking... Manufacturers boil the delicacy for several reasons:

  1. seafood spoils quickly, and high temperatures are more effective at killing bacteria;
  2. boiled shrimp is easier to sort into packs, since the whole shrimp briquette is frozen;
  3. raw shrimp look ugly with stains and mucus. Cooking makes the product attractive;
  4. boiled product saves the consumer's time. The delicacy just needs to be thawed and reheated.
With an eternal shortage of time, the working consumer will prefer ready-made boiled shrimp. Also, cafes and restaurants often use this to place an order at the client's table as quickly as possible.

The curved tail of the shrimp signals the quality of the product. This shrimp was cooked almost immediately after catching. She was alive and fresh.

The producer freezes freshwater shrimps fresh, and sea shrimps are pre-boiled.
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