
Why doesn't the jellied meat freeze?

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the jellied meat is not frozen
After cooking, the jellied meat does not want to freeze and looks like a failed jelly? There are few reasons for this trouble:

Violation of proportions when cooking a dish. Too much water will spoil the jelly. Do not add more than 5 centimeters of water to the meat. Measure seven times, pour once - the golden rule when cooking jellied meat! Failure to observe proportions is the most common culinary mistake.
Insufficient cooking time. Aspic should be boiled for at least six hours. During this time, the meat breaks down into individual fibers and the gelatin enters the water, forming a jelly-like mass. With the proper cooking time, the broth will freeze on its own without any additional additives.
Correct proportions and leisurely cooking are the secret of cooking. perfect jellied meat.
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How much to cook / Tips / Why doesn't the jellied meat freeze?


