
What if the barley is fermented?

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pearl barley
Every housewife knows that before cooking, pearl barley should be soaked in cold water and left for several hours, or better overnight. During this time, the cereal swells and becomes soft. If you forget about barley, then it can ferment. This is easy to determine as bubbles will appear on the surface of the water and an unpleasant odor will develop. Whether such cereals are suitable for boiling and eating, the hostess will have to determine on her own. First you need to rinse the barley well, preferably under running water. If the unpleasant smell is gone, then you can safely pour the cereal with water and put it on the stove for the usual recipe... If in doubt about the suitability of a product, then it should be discarded.
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How much to cook / Tips / What if the barley is fermented?


