
Why do bugs start in pearl barley?

Reading time - 3 minutes.
barley beetles
In general, in a residential apartment and in the kitchen, where the rules of hygiene are observed, bugs will not start. Most likely, you purchased pearl barley, which was stored, to put it mildly, in violation of the rules. Or, in a cabinet with barley, groats of dubious quality are placed. Guessing is not worth it - only a flour eater starts up in barley, this insect is harmless, but the very fact and the presence of excrement in the cereal should prompt you to immediately throw out the cereal, and then look through all the packages next to the barley and be sure to wipe the shelf.

For the future - just store any cereals in separate bags with a latch or cans - so the probability of the spread of the mucoed is practically zero. And of course, pay attention to the integrity of the packaging when buying pearl barley, and if you buy it by weight, bake it in the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 20 minutes or even easier - freeze the cereal in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
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How much to cook / Tips / Why do bugs start in pearl barley?


