
Why is barley hard?

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hard pearl barley
Barley can be tough for 2 reasons:
  • The groats were not soaked overnight. Barley must be soaked overnight before cookingso that it maintains the integrity of the grains and at the same time is soft when chewing.
  • The storage period and conditions are not met. Buy cereals with a stamped production date. Or ask for certificates when buying pearl barley in bulk, because you do not know how much cereal could be stored before purchase.
And remember, when cooking barley, you must follow the rules of soaking and cooking intensity, then the barley will turn out to be soft and tasty. Well, what to do if you cook, say, pickle - and pearl barley won't cook for it in any way? It’s a pity, do not pour out the broth because of the barley? Let's tell. In any store, steamed barley is now sold - it does not require soaking. Strain the broth, remove the tough barley, and replace it with the barley from the bag. With 100% accuracy, your pickle will be saved.
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How much to cook / Tips / Why is barley hard?


