
Why is barley bitter and what to do?

Reading time - 3 minutes.
bitter pearl barley
Even such common cereals as barley can taste bitter. Moreover, it is almost impossible to remove the bitterness from barley. There are quite a few reasons:
  • Place of growth of cereals in violation of the environment;
  • Processing of barley, from which barley is made, with chemistry - and insufficient subsequent processing;
  • Before soaking, the barley was not washed, and also if the barley was not soaked at all;
  • The expiration date has passed or the storage conditions for cereals have been violated.
What to do if barley is bitter? - Change the barley. Remember the manufacturer and if you repeat this trouble add it to your personal "black list". And for the future - observe all cooking rules, for barley it is critical.
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