
Why does barley take a long time to cook?

Reading time - 3 minutes.
barley is boiled
Barley is cooked longer than almost all cereals - only beans are inferior to it in the slowness of cooking. Barley before cooking it is imperative to soak in water, and this process, depending on the variety and how old the cereal is, can last up to 12-16 hours, and the minimum here is 4 hours.

Barley is a rather coarse grits in itself, it is made from barley, an unpretentious and ubiquitous field plant. For its unpretentiousness and rather long cooking time, barley is one of the cheapest cereals in Russia, it was even fed in the army.

Modern technologies are able to simplify and speed up the cooking time of barley: just buy steamed cereal in bags in advance - soaking here has been replaced by shock steam treatment, so you don't need to soak such cereal at home: just boil it in water, cool the bag a little and remove it with a knife with boiled pearl barley.
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How much to cook / Tips / Why does barley take a long time to cook?


