
Digested shrimp what to do

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Way boiling shrimp quite simple, but not all people get the dish from the first preparation - more often seafood is digested. How to tell if shrimp is overcooked? It's very simple: they become tough and resemble rubber.

How to save overcooked shrimp? No way, because the meat will no longer become soft and tender. You can put them in a salad, but be sure to crumble them into thin strips so that the stiffness is not felt so much. You can also stew in a sauce and serve with rice or pasta. A delicious dish will turn out if stewed, for example, in sour cream, with the addition of garlic, spices, herbs or vegetables if desired (tomatoes, onions, carrots).

A person who is not picky about food, of course, can eat shrimp in a "rubber" form. However, if the seafood was being prepared for use as a snack, it is better to boil a new portion, and from the bad first experience, learn a useful lesson for the future.

There is an option to serve tight shrimp as an appetizer. Then you can even fry them in a skillet until golden brown, so that they crunch a little.

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