
What to do if beans are too salted?

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if you oversalt the beans
This article will show you how to save beans if you've oversalted them. There are many options, choose any convenient one from the list.

Beans are not one of those foods that can be easily replaced. It needs to be soaked in water, and then cook for a long time... If the beans are too salty, then the product can still be saved. However, it is necessary to choose the right combination with other dishes. Where can you add salted beans:

  • Add rice to salted beans and wait until it is finished cooking.
  • Freeze the beans, then add them when making the soup.
  • Rinse well, then boil in plenty of water. This way the water will take in excess salt.
  • Rinse in water, then simmer with bell peppers and tomatoes. It is advisable to use sweet tomatoes.
  • Prepare Georgian lobio dish.
  • Add the salted beans to the salad. This option is especially suitable for vinaigrette.
  • Mix the beans with unsalted foods. Pickled mushrooms work well. Can also be mixed with potatoes, especially if they are sweet. You can also select other products depending on your taste preferences.
  • If the beans were pan-fried with other vegetables, you can put a bag of cheesecloth with rice in the pan. It will absorb excess salt, which will help restore the normal taste of the cooked dish.

Do not add sugar to a dish with salted beans. This can fix the high salt situation, but the taste will change.

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How much to cook / Tips / What to do if beans are too salted?


