
Pepper the soup what to do?

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pepper soup

Rescuing a peppered soup is easy enough:

  1. Boil the broth. This method is suitable only at an early stage of soup preparation - after all, with prolonged boiling, vegetables and cereals become soft and fall apart.
  2. Transfer the soup. Prepare the soup in the usual way, and then place it in a cool place; after 8-10 hours, pour the soup into another saucepan using a ladle (do not scoop the liquid from the bottom while pouring, as there is a lot of pepper).
  3. Use potatoes. To neutralize bitterness, take 2-3 potatoes, peel them, cut them into medium cubes, place the cubes in cheesecloth and dip it into a saucepan, and after cooking the soup, remove the cheesecloth and discard the potatoes.
  4. Increase the amount of soup. Take a large saucepan, pour the peppered soup, add water, add all the standard ingredients (excluding the seasonings) and cook the soup in the usual way.
  5. Soften the bitterness with vegetables. Ideal vegetables are bell peppers or a few carrots. Cut the vegetables into strips and add them to the pot while boiling (but do not fry them in the pan).
  6. If all of the above did not suit you, you don’t like the soup and you don’t want to mess with it - just reboot the soup, carefully following the recipe.

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How much to cook / Tips / Pepper the soup what to do?


