
Is oatmeal or semolina more useful?

Reading time - 5 minutes.
This question is not entirely correct. Let's agree that health and nutrition are not the same, and everything will fall into place. Oatmeal is definitely healthier than semolina. More natural in processing (when it comes to whole grains), oatmeal not only saturates the body with vitamins and minerals, but also cleanses it of toxins and toxins. With all these advantages, oatmeal is really low in calories and can be used in diets. All of the above does not apply to decoys. However, semolina is much more nutritious, and if after a couple of hours you want to eat after an oat breakfast, semolina leaves you full until lunchtime. Still, because the calorie content of semolina is much higher, and you need to cook it in a matter of minutes. This irreplaceable property of semolina is extremely important for a child's body, which needs continuous growth. Plus, for some diseases, semolina is the only porridge you can eat.

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How much to cook / Tips / Is oatmeal or semolina more useful?

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