
What are sausage casings made of?

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sausages with shell
There are two types of sausage casings - natural and artificial. The natural casing is the intestines of animals (casings), which have long been used for domestic sausages. The intestines are thoroughly washed, cleaned of internal contents and mucus. A thin white shell remains, almost transparent after filling with minced meat. It is used for expensive quality products. An artificial casing is used in the mass production of sausages. Some types of it are made from natural materials - cellulose and collagen. The latter is edible, as it is made from the middle layer of animal skins. Synthetic polyamide casing is used even more frequently. Polyamide is considered a hygienically clean material, but it contains toxic substances. When choosing which cook sausages, give preference to sausages with natural casings.

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