
Ways to make beef softer

Reading time - 4 minutes.
Usually boiled beef is soft - especially young (veal), especially chilled without freezing. But it happens that even meat without bones and large veins does not "yield" in any way, and adding an hour or two on the stove does not help. There are several reasons. It may simply be the meat of old cattle, which, moreover, stale in the showcase of a butcher shop. By the way, it is quite difficult to choose young meat the first time. In addition to youth, the final softness can be influenced by the method of slaughter, feed ... - there is no counting! White fat will indicate that the meat is young, and dark color - about the stress of the animal, it is easy to get confused from habit. In addition, it often happens that there is just a piece of meat in the freezer. The color shows that it is beef, but you cannot tell what part. Or you just took a kilo or two of good beef for a song, but the tough part is a shoulder blade.

And what to do? - In fact, absolutely any beef can be prepared so that after boiling the meat is definitely soft, without loss of taste and nutritional value. To do this, take salt, pepper and onion - and rub this marinade well into the meat. Of course, for even marinating, it is better to cut the meat into large (the size of half a fist-fist) pieces. In a day, even the shoulder portion of the beef yields to cooking effortlessly.

Another way is even faster, but requires going to a fruit stand. We take 2 small kiwi per 1 kilogram, puree and rub into the meat, and after half an hour (it is important not to overexpose) - be sure to wash off to interrupt the softening process.

The third method is just as effective, but longer - this is dry mustard - grate the meat with it and hold for a couple of hours.

All three mitigation methods do not change the general rules boiling beef.

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How much to cook / Tips / Ways to make beef softer


