
Why can't you eat a lot of shrimp?

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a lot of shrimp
Shrimp contain a large amount of protein and other nutrients necessary for the body, but you should not abuse this seafood. Along with the benefits, seafood delicacies can be harmful if there are too many of them, because even in simple boiled shrimp contains a lot of cholesterol: 150 mg per 100 g of refined seafood.

The main danger of being overly addicted to shrimp is that they are usually eaten with sauces or cooked with oil. And if the cholesterol contained in the shrimp themselves is harmless and even useful, since it helps to deliver building substances to the cells, then, in combination with fats and harmful cholesterol, it becomes dangerous for the body. A large amount of cholesterol easily enters the bloodstream and can provoke the appearance of cholesterol plaques in the vessels. Also, shrimp eaten with fatty foods increases the burden on the kidneys.

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How much to cook / Tips / Why can't you eat a lot of shrimp?


