
How does raspberry jam help with colds?

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colds and raspberry jam
Raspberry jam was usually given to us by mothers and grandmothers before going to bed. During a cold and immediately after long winter festivities, there is nothing better than tea, to which a couple of tablespoons of raspberry jam are added. Ideal if raspberry jam cooked from its raspberries - the concentration of benefits in such a jam is the highest.

The essence of the drink is to support human immunity without "chemistry". Raspberries are natural antipyretic and diaphoretic. Why is tea needed? - In fact, tea plays an important role: firstly, it is warm (at first it is hot, but a couple of spoons of jam from the refrigerator will quickly turn it into warm), which means it will definitely help with chills. Secondly, tea with jam does not hit the stomach as hard as jam in its pure form - the medicine "enters" gently and carefully to the body. And thirdly, it tastes better. What's really there, the hormones of pleasure for the patient will definitely not interfere.

How to drink raspberry jam? - In the afternoon: not just before bedtime, because raspberries have diuretic properties, and an hour or two before bedtime. If the body is sick, at night you will wake up in sweat and have to change your underwear. Better to prepare it in advance. Also, the sleeping room should be well ventilated in advance: then, during the action of raspberries, drafts are excluded, otherwise you can aggravate your own condition. You need to drink raspberries while lying in bed, wrapped up well. It is in the warmth that the body begins to sweat - and the raspberries "work" for the benefit of this process. The next morning, if everything went smoothly, you will feel relieved. This means that the body "sweated" for a reason.
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