
When to put beans in soup and borscht?

Reading time - 3 minutes.
adding beans to soup

Bean soup can be made from different types of this legume: dry beans (red and white), canned or green beans.

Before adding to soup or borscht, dry beans must be soaked. The need for pre-soaking increases significantly if the beans are old. The situation is simpler with canned and pod varieties - they do not need soaking.

The time to add beans to the soup depends on their type:

  • soaked red and white beans added to soup at the beginning of cooking, as they cook for a long time (white - up to 50 minutes, red - up to 1 hour);
  • green beans put in a dish 5 - 7 minutes before the end of cooking;
  • canned beans is a ready-made product, therefore, it is put into borscht or soup at the end of cooking, 1 - 2 minutes before the dish is ready.

The most useful are the first courses of dry beans. Canned beans lose dry use, but will help out with a shortage of time. Diet soups are often prepared from green beans.

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How much to cook / Tips / When to put beans in soup and borscht?


