
Porridge for breakfast - how many grams?

Reading time - 5 minutes.
Porridge for breakfast - how many grams? Children, adults and the elderly simply love porridge for breakfast. Still - a full complex of vitamins, a tribute to a healthy lifestyle and a long absence of hunger speak in favor of cereals. Even though the porridge needs to be cooked, and sometimes for quite a long time, the process pays for itself with interest. Yes, sandwiches are easier to make - but hunger will come much faster, and there is no need to talk about the benefits.

The question remains - how many grams of porridge should you eat for breakfast? Of course, it is difficult to give general advice for everyone here, you need to take into account the mode, age and weight of the reader. But the approach can be recommended: children usually eat 150 grams of porridge for breakfast, adults - 200-250 grams... If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract or you need to adhere to a diet.

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How much to cook / Tips / Porridge for breakfast - how many grams?

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