
Is it possible to eat green potatoes after cooking

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green potatoes
Green-skinned potato tubers from time to time fall into the hands of every housewife. What to do with such a product and can it be eaten? Solanine gives the potatoes their green color. It is, in essence, a harmful poison. It tends to gradually accumulate in the human body. If you taste green boiled potatoes once, the worst thing that awaits you is stomach pain and intestinal upset. But frequent consumption of foods with solanine is fraught with serious negative consequences for the body.

Young children, people with chronic diseases, pregnant women, the elderly, that is, all those who have reduced protective functions of the body, are especially sensitive to solanine. Therefore, try not to risk the health of your own and those close to you, if possible, reject all green potato tubers, choosing only good products for cooking.

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How much to cook / Tips / Is it possible to eat green potatoes after cooking


