
Is it ok to eat potatoes if they foam

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the potatoes are foaming
There are cases that the potatoes foam already when peeling, leaving slippery whitish unpleasant traces on the hands. Most likely, these are echoes of a chemical spraying that was directed at the bushes during the ripening period. A young green plant quickly absorbs both useful and toxic elements. It is better to soak such potatoes for an hour in water before cooking in the usual way.

Alternatively, it can be a starchy discharge corresponding to a certain variety. It has been noticed that boiled potato species emit more foam, and dense tubers boil much longer without leaving white marks and bubbles. Sometimes, among the whole bag of normal potatoes, several spoiled tubers come across, which can infect the entire product. Do not buy potatoes from dubious sellers who cannot even name the variety and place of growing.

Is it okay to eat potatoes if it foams? - You can, as the potatoes are boiled, everything will come out into the broth. But the taste of potatoes with foam will not be the best, it is better not to eat such potatoes.

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How much to cook / Tips / Is it ok to eat potatoes if they foam


