
So that the potatoes do not fall apart when cooking

Reading time - 3 minutes.
For young housewives, there are some useful tips to help keep the potatoes whole after a long boil.

Firstly, choose non-boiling potatoes.

Secondly, it is important to take all tubers of approximately the same size to avoid damp residues.

Third tip consists in tracking the fire during the boiling period. It is important to lower the temperature as soon as you see the first signs of boiling water. The saucepan should be on low heat under a slightly covered lid for about 15 minutes, and then every 3-4 minutes you check the readiness with a fork. As soon as the prongs enter freely, remove the potatoes from the stove.

If you are boiling potatoes in cubes, do not stir them while cooking, breaking the integrity of the cubes or whole potatoes. The fire should be kept to a minimum and the pot is only slightly covered with a lid.

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How much to cook / Tips / So that the potatoes do not fall apart when cooking


