
How to cook potatoes in salt

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how to cook potatoes in salt
To cook jacket potatoes in such an unusual way, you will need:
medium-sized potatoes - 1 kg;
salt (common table salt) - 0.3 kg.

Pour 1.5 liters of cold water into a saucepan with a volume of 2.5 - 3 liters. Then add salt there. No need to stir. Put potatoes in such a cold solution. It is very important that the potatoes are whole-skinned, otherwise they will fall apart and be oversalted. Place the pot on the stove. After 20 minutes (this usual cooking time potatoes) after boiling, the potatoes will be ready. If you cook for longer, it will not break down, but will become denser. Remove the tubers with a slotted spoon and pour over with cold running water to rinse off the salt.

Why are potatoes boiled in salt? Because of the salt, it changes its taste and structure, it turns out to be dense, not salty at all - it tastes like baked. And also, if the salt is not washed off after cooking, such potatoes can be stored even without a refrigerator for about a week.

The only limitation of this method is that the potatoes must be whole and fresh, without "sores", and the potatoes must not be pierced, otherwise the salt will get inside and make the dish incredibly salty and, in addition, hazardous to health. Before serving, taste the potatoes - if they are moderately salty, then you did everything right. And if the potatoes are very salty, do not risk your health, something went wrong.

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