
How many calories are in semolina?

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calorie content
The calorie content of semolina porridge depends on the type of semolina and the fat content of the milk. The semolina itself is very nutritious, its calorie content is 320-370 kcal / 100 grams of dry cereal. But for a large portion of hearty semolina porridge you need only 30 grams of dry semolina (that's 2 tablespoons), so there is no need to be afraid of such a high figure. For semolina per serving of porridge, you need 250 milliliters of milk, its calorie content, in turn, very much depends on the fat content. For example, skim milk - 32 kcal, and 1% fat - already 42 kcal, 3.2% - and even 59 kcal. It is more difficult if you are using milk powder - the final calorie count depends on the concentration of the dilution of the powder in the water.

So, let's give an approximate calculation: 30 grams of semolina is about 100 kcal, milk - about 80 kcal. + a spoonful of sugar 30 kcal, + at least 10 grams of butter - 66 kcal. So it turns out that the calorie content of semolina weighing 300 grams is about 280 kcal. And that's not counting the bread! :) To make semolina less nutritious, reduce the portion of porridge and use water instead of milk. For a strict diet, cook porridge without sugar and serve breakfast without bread and butter - then the calorie content of breakfast will be only 100 kcal.

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How much to cook / Tips / How many calories are in semolina?

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