
How to salt lard?

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ways to cook lard
Lard is a very popular snack on the Russian table. Due to the developed meat production, lard can be found in any butcher's shop, but this does not cancel, but only enhances the relevance of home preparation. Making lard yourself is pretty simple, but if this is your first time doing it, know a few basic steps in the classic recipe. Let's say right away that there are two main ways - dry, when lard is salted with salt without water, and wet - when brine is prepared with water, and lard is poured into it. The first is more "classic", the bacon is drier and bites pleasantly, but the second, with water, is quick and requires less effort. Here is a dry method for salting lard:
  1. It is rather difficult to find a piece for lard - just because it was most likely made salted lard for sale. For a snack, the undercorn (near the belly) or meat from the back is ideal. A good piece is at least 70% lard, no more than 30% meat layers. For the first time, take a small piece of raw bacon, 200-250 grams.
  2. Chop the bacon with a knife and insert the petals of peeled garlic (a couple of prongs for the whole piece), then liberally roll a piece of bacon in coarse salt (tablespoon) and sprinkle with ground pepper. In general, this is the minimum set of spices, you can not add anything else, but for beauty, we advise you to roll the bacon in ground sweet pepper (paprika), then it will become a beautiful red color. For flavor, you can chop the lavrushka leaves and add to the deboning mix. Remove the lard in a saucepan and refrigerate for 3-7 days, depending on the softness of the portion. If you saved on pork, took it harder or with a lot of meat, first keep it for half a day at room temperature, otherwise it may not give juice, become hardened and not completely salted.
  3. Finished bacon - soft on the probe, bites easily, completely salted. It should be cleaned of excess salt and transferred to parchment paper or gauze, you can store it in the refrigerator for up to a week. As a result, you will end up with a piece of bacon, which can be cut into pieces or scrolled in a spiced meat grinder before serving. By the way, bacon can be frozen.

Alternative "wet" method for beginners

Cut 500-600 grams of lard into large pieces, mix with chopped head of garlic, place tightly in a saucepan and cover with brine. The brine is prepared very simply: in half a glass of warm water, dilute a tablespoon of coarse salt with a slide. In such a brine, medium-sized pieces will quickly be salted: cover the pan with a lid and put it in the refrigerator, in a day such lard will fit both for a snack and for frying. The plus of the method - lard in brine is stored for a long time and day by day it becomes more salty.
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