
Which potatoes are healthier, fried or boiled?

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which potatoes are healthier
Despite the plant origin and high content of nutrients, potatoes, in general, are far from a dietary and not the most useful product. It is relatively low in calories, but contains a lot of carbohydrates, which explains the feeling of fullness from potato dishes. At the same time, during the culinary processing of potatoes, a significant proportion of the nutrients contained in it are lost or destroyed under the influence of temperature.

The most useful should be considered baked potatoes, with or without skins, since they lose the least valuable properties. However, when baking potatoes in their skins, people with digestive problems should use them with caution. More neutral to the digestive tract boiled potatoesespecially if you don't add oil or other high-fat foods to it. But without oil, potatoes are not so tasty. The most harmful is fried potatoes. Due to frying in oil, it contains a huge amount of fat. But because of the bright taste and pleasant crunch of the crust, it is fried potatoes that will give the body a maximum of endorphins.

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How much to cook / Tips / Which potatoes are healthier, fried or boiled?


