
Why can beans cause heartburn?

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Beans that are improperly cooked can trigger heartburn as they cause flatulence. The build-up of gases puts pressure on the diaphragm and the sphincter that separates the esophagus and stomach, which can cause stomach contents to be released back into the esophagus. The cause of heartburn can be not only beans, but also other components of the dish. These are primarily acidic foods (tomato paste, lemon juice), hot spices and sauces in large quantities. Fatty meats can also cause heartburn if beans were cooked with them.

Beans, cooked properly, does not cause heartburn. On the contrary, it has a beneficial effect on digestion due to its high coarse fiber content. For easier assimilation and reduction of gas formation, it is useful to add cumin, fennel, dill to beans. Serve the finished dish preferably with green vegetables.

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