
What to do with shrimp caviar?

Reading time - 3 minutes.
Shrimp, which have a head of dark and brown shades, most often end up with caviar. Physiologically, it is so arranged that the taste characteristics of the meat of caviar-containing shrimp are better. And the caviar itself is also considered a delicacy. Connoisseurs of seafood specifically choose shrimp with caviar when buying, sucking it out of the abdomens and legs. Although there are gourmets who do not like this taste and throw away all the caviar along with the shrimp shell without regret.

Separately, shrimp caviar is not sold due to the complexity of its production. The eggs attached to the paws and to the abdomen are quite firmly attached to the base. Therefore, the only way to enjoy caviar is to choose when buying, paying attention to the color of the shrimp and the fullness of the abdomen. In tiger species, the eggs are predominantly black, in cold-water ones they are pinkish or yellowish, depending on their stage of maturity. Shrimps are boiled with caviar, the usual way.

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