
Can I cook cereals for dogs? What kind?

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cereals for dogs
Possibility of preparing peas, millet, barley for dogs.

Each dog requires special attention both in communication, training and nutrition. The smaller the dog is in size, the less its nutritional needs. However, the diet should include everything you need.

Peas... There is no consensus regarding the addition of peas to a dog's diet. Some believe that in general all groups of legumes are very poorly digested. Others call peas good food for the dog's body.

Peas are primarily a source of complex carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and vitamins of various groups. The digestive system of a dog differs from that of a human in that it has fewer digestive enzymes, which leads to gas and bloating. After that, diarrhea, vomiting, blood particles in the feces may appear.

Therefore, it is recommended to serve peas in the form of soup and additions to other foods.

Millet... Millet is also hard for the dog's digestive system. Volvulus may occur. Various researches of scientists have shown that millet does not carry special beneficial properties, therefore, this type of cereal should only be added to the diet in portions, and not entirely.

Barley porridge give dogs a minimum amount, since it is very difficult and takes a long time to digest. If you decide to feed the dog with pearl barley, it must be very carefully cooked for softness. And best of all, mix with rolled oats.

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