
Which beans to choose?

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On sale beans are presented in 3 types: shelling (dry beans), green beans and canned beans.

Plain dry beans is found on the shelves most often. The price is not high. The most popular types are red and white beans. Such beans are healthy and satisfying, but require soaking and takes a long time... In delicacies, the varieties Mash and Mexico City show themselves well. When buying, the external condition of the beans is assessed: the beans must be whole, dry, without doubtful spots, traces of pests and wrinkled skin.

Canned beans comes in its own juice and tomato sauce. More expensive than dry beans. It does not require heat treatment, you can immediately add it to the finished dish. Saves time.

Green beans - a product for healthy eating and dietary meals. Prepares quickly, especially if you buy frozen. The most delicious are asparagus varieties. It is better to choose a product in sealed packaging. The pods should be crunchy, firm and brittle.

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